Importance of a Becker Muscular Dystrophy Care Team

Becker muscular dystrophy affects virtually every aspect of a person’s life. It can feel overwhelming at times but help is available.

On this page, you’ll learn more about


“The benefits of having a specialized care team, as I do, is that no stone is left unturned. I’m able to figure out every different aspect of my healthcare. Absolutely everything is checked over. At a certain point in time, the progression’s going to hit. And if you’re prepared now, it can make it a lot easier. If you build your care team now, you’re going to be set up to succeed.”

– Nevin, Living with Becker

Need help putting together a Becker Care Team?
There are resources available.

Importance of a Becker Muscular Dystrophy Care Team

Becker muscular dystrophy is a complex disease affecting different systems in your body. Working with your specialized Care Team to help maintain muscle function and manage symptoms is an important part of managing your condition.

Core Team
Broader Team
Care as Needed
Core Team
Broader Team
Core Team

“Becker affects the whole body, many systems of the body. That’s why you need to see a variety of different doctors.”

Charlie – Living with Becker

Navigating your Care. Working with your Care Team.